作成 2010.01.07
更新 2010.01.08
IADsADSystemInfo メソッドとプロパティ
メソッド 説明
get_UserName Retrieves the Active Directory distinguished name of the current user, which is the logged-on user or the user impersonated by the calling thread.
get_ComputerName Retrieves the distinguished name of the local computer.
get_SiteName Retrieves the site name of the local computer.
get_DomainShortName Retrieves the short name of the local computer domain, for example "myDom".
get_DomainDNSName Retrieves the DNS name of the local computer domain, for example "example.fabrikam.com".
get_ForestDNSName Retrieves the DNS name of the local computer forest.
get_PDCRoleOwner Retrieves the distinguished name of the NTDS-DSA object for the DC that owns the primary domain controller role in the local computer domain.
get_SchemaRoleOwner Retrieves the distinguished name of the NTDS-DSA object for the DC that owns the schema role in the local computer forest.
get_IsNativeMode Determines whether the local computer domain is in native or mixed mode.
GetAnyDCName Retrieves the DNS name of a domain controller in the local computer domain.
GetDCSiteName Retrieves the name of the local computer site.
RefreshSchemaCache Refreshes the ADSI Active Directory schema cache on the local computer.
GetTrees Retrieves the DNS names of all the directory trees in the local computer forest.
プロパティ 説明
ComputerName Read-only Retrieves the distinguished name of the local computer.
DomainDNSName Read-only Retrieves the DNS name of the local computer domain, for example "example.fabrikam.com".
DomainShortName Read-only Retrieves the short name of the local computer domain, for example "myDom".
ForestDNSName Read-only Retrieves the DNS name of the local computer forest.
IsNativeMode Read-only Determines whether the local computer domain is in native or mixed mode.
PDCRoleOwner Read-only Retrieves the distinguished name of the NTDS-DSA object for the DC that owns the primary domain controller role in the local computer domain.
SchemaRoleOwner Read-only Retrieves the distinguished name of the NTDS-DSA object for the DC that owns the schema role in the local computer forest.
SiteName Read-only Retrieves the site name of the local computer.
UserName Read-only Retrieves the Active Directory distinguished name of the current user, which is the logged-on user or the user impersonated by the calling thread.
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
WScript.Echo objSysInfo.UserName

IADsADSystemInfo Interface

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